About Tiphany!
Tiphany Kane, M. Ed. is known as “The Heck Yes! Coach”. She is passionate about coaching women to turn painful “no's” in life & business into empowered opportunities to find the “Heck Yes!”. Tiphany is an entrepreneur, public speaker, coach, and writer, who brings her passion for the art of the spoken word to people who need help finding their voice. She weaves in her own personal stories of escaping a cult at 19 years old, leaving a toxic abusive marriage 20 years later, raising two neurodivergent children, and then leaving a 20 year career in public education to start a business. Tiphany is the co-founder of KaSa Media productions as well as the host of two podcasts; Radical Audacity in Love & Life and Mastering the Podcaster Mindset.