@on.the.hard.days - Megan Champion
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On The Hard Days - Podcast
Raising an out-of-the-box, neurodivergent child has been the ultimate test of my motherhood, but building a community of moms for you and I has been a wonderful gift. Each week, I bring a mom on the show who truly GETS IT and will have you breathing a sigh of relief. You are not alone.
Mothers Together: A Support Group Community
It’s finally happened - moms of neurodiverse kids just like you and I are coming together to meet and build friendships - and supporting each other in the process! Interested? Mothers Together is a two-part community: First, you are placed in a small support group with other like-minded moms. Second, you get 24/7 access to an off-social media forum to ask for advice, vent, and share your wins. Click the link below for more information, including a behind-the-scenes video to show exactly what Mothers Together looks like!