On The Hard Days - Podcast
Hi Mamas! The “On The Hard Days” podcast has changed my life and is now ranked in the Top 30 podcasts of the Parenting Genre in the U.S. Every week, I bring a brave and vulnerable mom onto my show to share her story of raising a neurodivergent child. Each episode is relatable and has wonderful takeaways - but none more wonderful than knowing - we aren’t alone in this journey.
Here’s the link to listen on Apple Podcasts.
Here’s the link to listen on Spotify.
The BEST way to stay on top of each mom’s amazing story is to subscribe to the podcast on either Apple Podcasts or Spotify. That way, new episodes will automatically download to your phone, and you won’t have to find them! Thank you SO much for listening!

Mom Katie Dalbey on Sharing Power and Control With Our Kids
Mom Charlotte Wilkinson on How Advocating For Your Neurodiverse Child in School Becomes a Full-Time Job

Mom Amy Nielsen on Taking a Systematic Approach to Building Your Village

Mom Abigail Cram on Shedding the Fear of Raising an Out-Of-The-Box Child

Mom Mathilde Cerioli on Taking a Playful, *Inconsistent* Approach to Parenting Neurodiverse Kids

Mom Chrystal on the Cycle of Trauma in Raising a Neurodiverse Child

Mom Stephanie Smith on Normalizing Asynchronous Development in Gifted Kids

Dad(!) Chef Kibby on How Cooking Creates a Connection for Kids With Challenging Behaviors & Trauma

Mom Kimberly Heilig on How to Mother Emotionally Gifted, 2E Kids With Positive Authority

Mom Delphine Rule on the Importance of Advocating for Your Neurodiverse Child at School

Mom Kendra Rogers on Viewing Neurodiverse Children Through the Lens of Their Gifts, Not Their Struggles
“We just let them be their own people, and watch them, and - oh, you really like this. Let’s feed it.

Mom Alessandra Rosa on the Lack of Support for Out-Of-The-Box Preschoolers
Why preschool programs aren’t equipped to support neurodiverse children.

Mom Jasmine Turner on Trusting Your Mother’s Intuition and Discovering Your Inner Voice
How to listen to your inner voice in order to trust yourself as a mother.

Mom Jennifer Hepton on Understanding Yourself to Better Understand Your Kids
How to forgive ourselves as mothers for the ways in which we are triggered when we parent our out-of-the-box kids.

Mom Sandra Mikulic on Overcoming Self-Doubt and Limited Beliefs by Putting Mental Health First (Listen to the episode below!)
How to push past limiting beliefs to support your mental health.

Mom Kelly van Rooyen on Holding Space For Your Kids Despite Challenging Behavior (Listen to the episode below!)
How to hold a space for your children despite their challenging behaviors.

Mom Meredith Redmon on Letting Go of Perfectionism and High Expectations (Listen to the episode below!)
How to relieve yourself of motherhood perfectionism.

Mom Lina Forrestal on Identifying Intrusive Thoughts and When to Seek Help (Listen to the episode below!)
How you can still find yourself even after a terrible journey.

Mom Ashley Powers on Finding Yourself Down the Long Road of Self-Acceptance (Listen to the episode below!)
How you can still find yourself even after a terrible journey.

Mom Kelsey Brown on Meeting Highly Sensitive Kids’ Needs with Sensory Play (Listen to the episode below!)
Why highly sensitive kids need sensory play.